Designing The Hypothetical Learning Trajectory (HLT) for Sinus Using Context of Scout Tent

Dinda Mahardika, Ratu Ilma Indra Putri


One of the problems in modern mathematics learning is mathematical concepts presented by teachers to students such as machines. So, the concept is used by students as finished products without knowing the origin and how to reconstruct them. The effort that can be made by the teacher in overcoming this is by designing learning wherever possible starting with presenting realistic problems to arrive at an abstract idea. In this article we will discuss the design of sine rule learning in the context of scout tents, which is a type of design research. Design research has three cycles, namely preliminary design, classroom experiment, and retrospective analysis. In this article only the preliminary study phase will be discussed, which includes literature study activities, curriculum analysis, and the
design early prototype. An HLT (Hypotetical Learning Trajectory) has been produced which deals with sine rules that use the context of scout tents.


Sine Rule Design; HLT; Scout Tent; PMRI; Design Research

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Sriwijaya International Journal of Lesson Study
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