The Effect of 7E Learning Cycle Model on the Students’ Critical Thinking Skills

Nopita Inda Sari, Meilinda Meilinda, Yenny Anwar


This research has a goal to obtain information about the effect of Learning Cycle 7E model on students' critical thinking skills in the circulatory system material for the eleventh-grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Indralaya Utara. Quasi experiment method with nonequivalent control-group design was used. The sample was determined with purposive sampling technique, obtaining XI Science 1 as the experimental class and XI Science 2 as the control class. The data were collected using a test in the form of multiple-choice questions, observation of learning implementation, and student response questionnaires. The indicators of critical thinking skills include elementary clarification, basic support, inference, advanced clarification, and strategy and tactic. Based on the results of the post-test mean score analysis, the experimental class obtains 79.88 (good) and the control class 70.66 (good). The percentage of observations on the implementation of learning with the 7E Learning Cycle model is 85.25% (very good). From the questionnaire, it is known that 83% of students respond very well and 17% respond well. Based on statistical tests using SPSS22, it was found that the application of the 7E Learning Cycle model significantly effects students' critical thinking skills in the circulatory system material.


Critical Thinking Skill; Learning Cycle

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