A Bibliometric Analysis Mathematics Lesson Study

Edi Supriyadi, Sarah Inayah, Jarnawi Afgani Dahlan


Japan has been successful in building a functional model that not only produces effective instructors but also produces successful students in mathematics. The main purpose of this research is to analyze the publications of mathematics lesson study research that are reported and indexed in the Scopus database and present them in the form of tables and diagrams. Specifically, this study aims to find bibliometric overview of mathematics lesson study research, reference source of mathematics lesson study research, and the most impactful sources of mathematics lesson study research. In this specific study, bibliometric analysis is carried out by utilizing the RStudio tool known as biblioshiny for bibliometrix, which is part of the R Statistical Package. This study evaluates mathematics lesson study research which was published from 1996 to 2022. These articles continue to grow. The author has used the term "lesson study" 196 times. Lesson study: A Japanese method to improve mathematics teaching and learning was the most cited document (264). The mathematics lesson study research demonstrates that has been mentioned in 36 other pieces of research. The United States topped the list with the most citations (1432). ZDM-Mathematics Education ranks highest in h-index (12), m-index (1.714), and g-index (16). Huang R had the highest g-index, which was 10, and Huang R and Isoda M had the highest h-index, which was 4.


bibliometric; lesson study; matematics education; R

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.36706/sij-ls.v3i1.20


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