Lesson Study for Learning Community through Mind Mapping in Biology at Senior High School

Marheny Lukitasari, Ningtyas Murni Pertiwi, Sony Makruf Nurfaedah, Sri Utami


The study aimed to describe the performance of the learning community (LC) involving teachers and students. In the learning, mind mapping (MM) was used in the material of the human reproductive system through the activities of Lesson Study (LS). The study was conducted at MAN 2 Kota Madiun, in the odd semester of the 2018/2019 academic year. The study was conducted for eight discourses. The performance of LC data was collected using the Professional Learning Community (PLC) sheet. The result showed that LC performance increase by the time of discourse implementation. At the end of the study, LC performance reached 84.78% and 97.82% for the lowest and
highest values, respectively. This result interprets that LS activities lead LC with very good criteria. The conclusion of the research showed that LC through the use of LS-based mind mapping on the material of the human reproductive system was good.


Mind Mapping; Lesson Study; Learning Community; Human Reproductive System

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.36706/sij-ls.v1i1.4


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