Caring ComCaring Community in Early Childhood Learning on Theme ‘Profession’ Based on Lesson Study Activitymunity in Early Childhood Learning on Theme ‘Profession’ Based on Lesson Study Activity
This research aims to describe caring community in early childhood learning on theme 'profession' based on lesson study activity. The research is using descriptive. Subjects of the research are B1 group students at PAUD St.Yoseph Ternate academic year 2018/2019. Data collection techniques are carried out by observation and documentation. Data were analyzed qualitatively. The results showed that teacher help is needed in developing caring attitude and collaborative spirit in group students at PAUD St. Yoseph on theme ‘profession' because there will be mutual assistance and complementary activities and moreover early students will feel satisfied if they are able to contribute and succeed together. The everage of caring attitude appears both in students towards friends, students towards teacher and students towards leaning environment in lesson study-based learning activities is 83.3% (SM or already appeared) and 16.7% (BM or not yet appeared). The obstacles that have been identified in the implementation of caring community in early childhood learning are on students and teachers aspect. In conclusion, conducting caring community and collaborative learning can improve early childhood students understanding on theme ‘profession’.
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