Using the Context of Pempek on the Algebraic Form Operation for Jumping Task

Azela Fitri, Ratu Ilma Indra Putri


Jumping task is a part of learning process on LSLC. Moreover, Jumping Task as the central part of teaching that uses Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) and in Indonesia, The 2013 Curriculum emphasizes learning using HOTS, and the daily life context. This research aimed  to find out the characteristic of jumping tasks which valid, practical, and also useful for supporting secondary school students learning algebraic form operation  using PMRI with the context of pempek. The subject of this research was seventh-grade students of secondary school in Palembang. This research uses PMRI as the content materials and contexts. Results of this research are valid ant practical jumping tasks on mathematucs topic algebraic form operation. Moreover, using context of pempek for jumping task, students can learning algebraic form operation.


Jumping Task; PMRI; Algebraic Form Operation

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Sriwijaya International Journal of Lesson Study
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Sriwijaya University, Palembang, Indonesia
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